Waihinga Weather Station

Weather Station Details

This Weather Station is located at Waihinga Anthropological Research at New Place, 9 Maple Lane, Cottage Grove, Martinborough, Latitude 41.2274 S, Longitude 175.4518 E, Maidenhead Square RE78rs. The equipment from Oregon Scientific (WMR200A) and runs automatically and sends data by UHF radio link every 60 seconds to a dedicated computer running 24 hours day 365 days a year. The computer automatically updates this present web page and sends the data to several other global weather monitoring services, where analysis is carried out, and comparison is made with other nearby weather stations. Data analysis can be examined by clicking on any of the following web pages:
PWS (Personal Weather Stations)
Weather Underground station ID = IWELLING97
AWEKAS (Automatic Weather Map System)
CWOP Station Information for ID = ZL2JKP-10
APRS/CWOP (Automatic Packet Reporting System/Citizen Weather Observer Program
Findu. The data also appears on the MADIS (Meteorological Assimilation Data Ingest System), and also on NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) mesonet map web page with ID=AU375(ZL2JKP-10), APRSWX-Net ID=18072. On this web page click on "World" and navigate to New zealand, then click on the station ID to gain access to raw data.

This station updates this present web page every 900 seconds. This present Report is Timed: Tuesday, 14 January 2003, 1:22 p.m.

The photo on the left is from a sky camera and is updated every 900 seconds (temporarily disconnected)

Air Temperature

Current Indoor temperature 15.6°C
Current Outdoor temperature 7.7°C
Heat Index 7.7
Windchill 7.7
Yesterday Maximum & Minimum Outdoor Temperature 17.6 and 14.4°C

Air Pressure Barometer

Altitude-corrected pressure (altimeter setting)1018.3 mb
Current barometer reading 1015.9 mb
Sea Level Pressure mb
Pressure change rate (per hour),computed using 3 hours of data -0.31 mb

Ultra Violet Reading

Current UV Index = 0
For further information click here

Wind Speed Anemometer

Current wind gust speed 0.0 km/h
Average wind speed 0.0 km/h
Wind direction 070 ENE
Maximum gust today 33.1 km/h


Current rain rate 0.0 mm
Rain received in the last 60 minutes 2.1 mm
Rain received since midnight 2.1 mm
Total rain this year so far 240.1 mm

Relative Humidity

RH 91.1 %
Dewpoint 6.3

Sun and Moon

Sunrise and Sunset are 6:02:02 a.m. Wednesday, 15 January 2003 and 8:52:15 p.m. Tuesday, 14 January 2003
Today's moonrise 5:04:32 p.m. Tuesday, 14 January 2003
Date of next new moon 11:49:56 p.m. Saturday, 1 February 2003
Date of next full moon 11:49:21 p.m. Saturday, 18 January 2003
Time of todays moonset 2:15:52 a.m. Tuesday, 14 January 2003
Phase of the Moon = WaningGibbous


Forecast based on sea level pressure Sunny
Forecast based on altitude pressure Sunny
For the six day forecast for Wairarapa by the New Zealand Met Service click here

Historical Weather Records for the Martinborough Area

Martinborough Sunshine Hours

NIWA has records from 13 Stations within a 9 km radius of the station at Venice Street Martinborough. Only a few of these have historical records relating to sunshine hours. Two which have long series are stations D15243 and D15247, marked as numbers 2 and 4 on the map below. The new station at Cottage Grove appears as number 14. On the right, some historical information is presented in summary form for stations 2 and 4. The Martinborough area clearly enjoys high sunshine hours per annum. It is interesting that the average appears to be somewhat higher to the south-west of the township, away from the Huangarua River. January and December receive the highest sunshine each year.
Network Date Range Name Latitude Longitude
1: D15246 1990-2000 Martinborough Venice St -41.23 175.459
2: D15243 1970-1980 Martinborough 2 -41.218 175.456
3: D15242 1970-1980 Martinborough -41.217 175.45
4: D15247 2000-2010 Martinborough Huangarua Rd -41.213 175.465
5: D15244 1970-2010 Mahaki -41.23752 175.42503
6: D15251 1970-2010 Martinboro Puruatanga -41.23 175.498
7: D15241 1970-1980 Martinborough S.Downs -41.26 175.43
8: D15143 1970-1980 Ruamahanga -41.183 175.433
9: D15142 1970-2010 Martinbor Riverside -41.179 175.482
10: D15234 1910-2010 Martinborough Ews -41.25231 175.38985
11: D15252 1970-1980 Ngarara -41.233 175.55
12: D15232 1970-1980 Pihautea -41.217 175.367
13: D15141 1970-1980 Morrisons Bush -41.15 175.467
14: ZL2JKP-10 2013- Waihinga -41.2273 175.4518

Martinborough Rainfall Records

There are quite a few stations reporting rainfall data to NIWA without much variation. Two suffice to show the monthly pattern. The Mahaki figures were rounded to the nearest 10 mm each month which explains the unusual pattern. However, the annual figure is much the same as for Martinborough 2 near Venice Street. Summer months receive about half of those during winter. The annual rainfall in Martinbrough is about 760 mm (30 inches).

This page is Maintained by Foss Leach. For any enquires send email to Foss Leach
Last modified on Tuesday 26 Nobember 2013
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