Ngakuta Bay

Ngakuta Bay is a small horseshoe shaped bay along Grove Arm, one of the arms of Queen Charlotte Sound in Marlborough, New Zealand. It is protected from the prevailing north-west wind, and southerlies pass overhead because of the mountains behind the Bay. There are about 50 people that live here permanently. The remaining houses are holiday homes.

An aerial view of Ngakuta Bay showing the various yachts and launches moored in the bay. The arrow shows the location of the property for sale. Enlarge

A view of Ngakuta Bay from the Queen Charlotte walking track on the northern side of Grove Arm Enlarge

This is the welcoming view of Ngakuta Bay as one arrives from Picton along Queen Charlotte Drive. Enlarge

Low tide at Ngakuta Bay in the early morning. Enlarge

Once every few years there is a dusting of snow on the highest peaks behind Ngakuta Bay. Enlarge

An astonishing range of wildlife visits Ngakuta Bay, including many species of wildfowl and other animals (see here, here, and here for more details of this). This photo shows a pod of killer wales Orcinus orca visiting the bay, swimming right past the main jetty. On this occasion two family groups arrived, a female with two calves, and a male with two older juveniles. Enlarge

Seals, mainly females and pups, are another common sight at Ngakuta Bay, hauling out on the rocky headland on the eastern side of the bay Enlarge

In the summer months Ngakuta Bay attracts many holiday visitors. The local Ngakuta Bay Community Association is very active in organising fishing competitions and other community activities. Enlarge