The View From the House

There is a paroramic view of the forest and sea in Ngakuta Bay and the surrounding Grove Arm of Queen Charlotte Sound from this property. This view is from the decking outside the belvedere. The centre of the photo is due North. The headland on the left is known as Takaputira, and the promontory to the right of centre is an ancient Maori fortification.

This is part of the view from the living room on the first floor. Enlarge

The view from inside the radio shack on the second floor Enlarge

The view from the master bedwroom window on the south wall. There is a walking track from the roadway to the ridge top along the skyline. Enlarge

The view from the master bedroom window on the west wall. The timber structure in the foreground is a canopy for kiwi-fruit vines. The old vines were recently removed in preparation for planting new plants. Enlarge